Reflections of 2020 | Discovering the Silver Linings

This past year has been anything but normal. In response, the NSDA adapted quickly to provide continued service and support to our community’s needs. NSDA President Charlie Reavis reflects on the many silver linings discovered during 2020.

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2020 Walk for Talk Thank You Video

This Thank You Video is dedicated to all who walked, donated and supported the first-ever virtual Walk for Talk to benefit the National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association that to place October 22-25, 2020.

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Bruce A. Menk Appointed to the NSDA Board of Directors

Bruce Menk is no stranger to the NSDA. He served on our Board from 1993 to 1999 and was President for two of those years. He has served as pro bono Legal Counsel since he stepped down from the Board. With his recent retirement, he will no longer serve in that role, and will rejoin the NSDA Board.

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