New Legal Counsel | Susan H. Boyles

We are excited to welcome Susan H. Boyles as the new pro bono Legal Counsel for the NSDA. Susan is a Partner at the international law firm of Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP. This contribution to the NSDA is very personal to her, as she has had spasmodic dysphonia since 1996.


Linda Thompson Kenis

Linda Thompson Kenis’ voice is a British national treasure. She and her first husband, Richard Thompson, are folk-rock icons who launched their careers in the early 1970s. Kenis achieved international fame – as part of the duo, as a solo performer, and as a songwriter. Unfortunately, Linda developed spasmodic dysphonia at a young age.

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2020 Issue of “Our Voice”

The theme of this issue is Turning Points. Inspired by the twists and turns of this year, 2020 has taught us collectively to be more flexible and accepting of change. In this 40-page issue, you will also find research updates, NSDA news, helpful tools and a review of support and awareness programs.

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A Voice of Many Colors

The NSDA is excited to announce that we are launching a virtual art sale titled, A Voice of Many Colors, on the NSDA website. NSDA Development Director Susan Beck has donated fine art prints from her father Paul J. Long’s lifelong creative legacy.