Types of Spasmodic Dysphonia

Navigating the types of spasmodic dysphonia SD is generally categorized into two primary forms: Adductor spasmodic dysphonia (AdSD)Abductor spasmodic dysphonia (AbSD). Spasmodic dysphonia can also be combined with other disorders,…

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Building Sensitivity

Those with voice issues need others to empathize. Regardless of the cause, a voice disorder is a life-altering experience for a person. Imagine being able to talk and communicate as…

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Understanding how a voice disorder can impact your relationships When anyone develops a vocal disorder that impairs their ability to effectively communicate, they may experience depression and find themselves socially…

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Spasmodic Dysphonia

About Spasmodic Dysphonia If your tight, strangled, broken, whispery, or otherwise “not quite right” voice has been diagnosed as spasmodic dysphonia (SD), this website will provide a wealth of information…

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What’s Wrong with My Voice?

Finding a medical specialists can help determine what might be wrong with your voice You may have noticed something unusual happening to your voice lately. Whether these changes occur intermittently,…

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