Virtual Meeting | Hosted by the Greater Detroit Support Group

2022wed21sep11:00 amwed1:00 pmVirtual Meeting | Hosted by the Greater Detroit Support Group Event Organized ByDennis Kaszeta

Event Details


The Greater Detroit Dysphonia Support Group will host their next virtual meeting on Wednesday, September 21 at 11:00 AM EST.

Our next Zoom meeting will be on September 21 at 7 PM EST. We will be hosting Andy Dominianni, the evening TV news anchor, at the CBS affiliate in Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI. Andy will share with us his spasmodic dysphonia journey. Before being diagnosed in 2017 with SD and muscle tension dysphonia, he feared he had lung cancer. Andy will share his pronounced fears about the possibility of losing his job, his finding and using supportive speech therapy services, his daily eight-hour vocal drills to minimize symptoms, and his use of Botox and homeopathic remedies that have worked for him.

The meeting is an opportunity for a round table sharing personal stories of either having a vocal disorder or knowing or living with someone. Click here to register. In addition, we also will talk about our upcoming Walk for Talk event on October 22, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM EST at the Troy Nature Center. This event will feature ENT Dr. Adam Rubin and his Bosa Nova musical group Identidade. We also will have an easy walk, a climbing playscape for kids, a nature talk, and food. If you know of a local person willing to donate their time to do face painting, please let us know!

Hope to see you at the virtual meeting on September 21, 2022!

WHEN | Thursday, September 29, 2022
TIME | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST

Register HERE

Dennis Kaszeta | Support Group Leader
Greater Detroit Area Dysphonia Support Group |


September 21, 2022 11:00 am - 1:00 pm(GMT-04:00)


Online | Zoom

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