Event has already taken place!
Virtual | Joint Meeting of the NSDA North Carolina Support Groups
Virtual | Joint Meeting of the NSDA North Carolina Support Groups
Event Details
*REGISTER HERE*It is this special time of year that we all come together and share what we are grateful for, but why do many of
Event Details
It is this special time of year that we all come together and share what we are grateful for, but why do many of us not continue with these practices regularly beyond the holidays?
Gratitude is one of the easiest ways of making yourself feel good and with enough consistency of practicing gratitude; it can shift you into a “feel-good” cycle. Gratitude also helps build a strong self-esteem and many patients with SD believe practicing gratitude can be a helpful tool in coping with the emotional side effects of SD.
Please join the North Carolina Spasmodic Dysphonia Support Groups for special meeting on December 5th 2020, to discuss the benefits and regular practice of gratitude. Rebecca Cole-Turner, a retired clinical psychologist and Leader of the Greensboro North Carolina Support Group, will a lead short discussion on how to continue and evolve our practices of individual gratitude well into the new year. Afterwards, participants will be invited to share their experiences and ask questions.
Joining is easy!
Register HERE
You’ll receive a confirmation email containing a link to join the meeting at its scheduled time.
Saturday, December 5th, 2020
10:00 AM EST
Sign-in a few minutes prior to the meeting to make sure video and audio is working properly
This virtual session will be hosted utilizing Zoom, an online meeting
platform. You can participate via video or audio. This meeting is password protected to ensure your privacy.
We hope to “see” you there!
Spasmodic Dysphonia Support Group of Charlotte, NC
Mary Bifaro | pbifaro@carolina.rr.com
Greensboro, NC SD Support Group
Dot Sowerby | dsowerby@aol.com
Rebecca Cole-Turner | rebeccact@gmail.com
December 5, 2020 10:00 am(GMT-04:00)
Online | Zoom
Spasmodic Dysphonia Support Group of Charlotte, NC & Greensboro, NC SD Support Group
Virtual Event Details