Scott Norris, MD, from Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Norris shared an update about his current research funded by Dysphonia International. Utilizing fMRI, he is investigating how different regions of the brain communicate so that treatment can be more targeted for increased effectiveness.
The webinar is now available to view.
Due to time limitations, Dr. Norris could not respond to all questions during the live webinar, a second video addressing the unanswered questions will be recorded.

About Scott Norris, MD | Dr. Norris is an Associate Professor of Neurology and Radiology, and Head of the Movement Disorders Section at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO. He is a clinician, researcher and educator. Dr. Norris received his medical degree from the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, and completed his residency and fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Norris’ research involves the use of advanced neuroimaging tools to study how dysfunction of the brain relates to movement disorders and dystonia.