Thank you for your interest in being a fundraiser for the Walk for Talk! We appreciate your support in helping to raise funds for research and awareness about spasmodic dysphonia and related voice conditions. This is the site we use for registration and fundraising:ย https://www.givesignup.org/walkfortalk
There are two types of fundraising pages available: Individual and Group. Individual pages are ideal for personal appeals as you can share your story and have a website address that is specific to you. Every person should have an individual page.ย
If you are fundraising with others, such as within a support group, a Group Fundraising Page can be beneficial as it allows all donations from the individual pages that are part of the group to be collectively tallied under the group’s effort. That can be set up now or later. You can also add yourself to a group at a later time.ย
After you fill out this form, please register (CLICK HERE), so then we can connect your registration to your fundraising page(s) so you have full access!
Thank you again for your willingness to support Dysphonia International! Please do not hesitate to contact us atย walk@dysphonia.orgย if you have any questions!
Please complete the following pieces of information and we will create your page(s). Once complete, we will send you the link(s) so that you can start fundraising and raising awareness. Thank you!