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Virtual Meeting | Hosted by the Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego County
Virtual Meeting | Hosted by the Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego County
Event Details
The Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego County will gather again for a virtual meeting on Saturday, August 27 at 1:00 PM
Event Details
The Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego County will gather again for a virtual meeting on Saturday, August 27 at 1:00 PM PST.
Presentation title | NAVIGATING MEDICARE
Our guest presenter is Pablo Corona, Outreach/Community Education Coordinator from the Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) Elder Law & Advocacy Program. http://seniorlaw-sd.org/programs/. He will primarily be discussing Medicare as well as Medicaid, health insurance, long-term care, HMO’s, etc. Mr. Corona started as a program assistant with Elder Law & Advocacy. After some time with the organization, he was trained as a Medicare counselor for HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program). He later became the Community Outreach representative for HICAP where he now provides presentations about Medicare in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Elder Law & Advocacy / HICAP provides free legal services for older adults over the age of 60 and Medicare counseling for anyone receiving Medicare, regardless of their age. This organization devotes all of its resources to helping both rural and urban older adults through a unique community-based delivery system.
This will be a Virtual Zoom meeting. Please contact Martha Murphy for the Zoom log-in information. Persons with ALL forms of dystonia are welcome as well as their family members and others. We invite everyone to join us no matter your location. You do not need to show your image and you do not need to participate in any discussions. We respect everyone’s privacy and this is a safe space to gain and exchange information. You can join us via desktop, laptop, tablet, Mac, iPhone, Android or landline phone. Please note time zone differences depending on your location.
WHEN | Saturday, August 27, 2022
TIME | 1:00 – 3:00 PM PST
RSVP | Contact Martha for Zoom log-in Information | Martha Murphy
mmurphy582@gmail.com OR leader@dystoniaofsandiego.com
*After you RSVP, Martha will send Zoom log-in information
To learn more about the Dystonia Support Group of San Diego County please check out our website or our Facebook Page!
HOST | NSDA Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group Leader of San Diego County
Martha Murphy | mmurphy582@gmail.com or leader@dystoniaofsandiego.com
August 27, 2022 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm PT(GMT-08:00)
Online | Zoom