Meredith Moore sends out second survey in assistive-device research study

My name is Meredith Moore. I’m a computer science Ph.D. student in the School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). I am a researcher for the Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing (CUbiC) at ASU. I am conducting a study to learn about the experiences of people with voice disorders in order to build the foundation for the development of voice-assistive technologies.
This is the second survey of a set of studies to get your input on the types of new assistive devices you think would be most useful in your everyday life. Participation in the previous survey is not necessary for you to participate in this survey.
Read the results from Meredith’s first round of surveys
In 2018, the NSDA supported an on-line research survey designed by Meredith Moore, a Computer Science Ph.D. Student at ASU, specializing in machine learning, accessibility, and assistive technologies.
In her new article “What I Learned from Surveying 471 People with Voice Disorders”, Meredith summarizes the data and shows that voice disorders significantly affect an individual’s social life, emotional well being, and career.
If you have a voice disorder and are at least 18 years old, I cordially invite you to complete a 15-minute online survey.Please follow this link to the survey.
If you have any questions about the study at any time, you can contact me